Sustainability Steps

In cosmetic production, traceability ensures transparency and sustainability. By recording every step, we commit to quality, safety, and environmental responsibility.

Traceability in cosmetic production involves maintaining records of every stage, starting from the sourcing of raw materials to production, storage, distribution, and delivery of the final product to the consumer. At Detay Cosmetics, traceability is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safe use of our products, such as solid soaps, shampoos, shower gels, conditioners, liquid soaps, and body lotions. At Detay Cosmetics, we meticulously record, monitor, and ensure the continuity of every step transparently. We carefully and comprehensively document all details, including raw material content and safety standards, hygiene and quality checks during production, and packaging materials.

This meticulous record-keeping enables us to quickly identify affected products in the event of a recall. At Detay Cosmetics, we provide transparent information to our consumers about the cosmetic products they purchase, including details such as Lot numbers, tracking job order numbers, and shelf lives. Traceability also supports our goal of recycling materials and minimizing the carbon footprint in production processes.

Through traceability, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable future by enabling the tracking of environmentally conscious practices that reduce impacts and help leave a more livable planet for future generations.

Detay Cosmetic

A New Standard in Cosmetics with Detail

We Carry Quality and Design to Every Corner of the World

Detay; Cosmetics production, which is approved by the Ministry of Health and has a free circulation certificate…


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